
How do mobile payments work?

Pay App

Being able to just whip your phone out and take care of a quick job is one of the best...

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Which is cheaper, driving, or public transport?


It’s an argument that people constantly come back to, is jumping in a taxi, or hopping on a train cheaper...

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Parking at uni, the top tips you need


Thousands of students will be starting and returning to uni in a few weeks time. Whether it’s your first time...

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How to cope with road rage


We’ve all been there, sat in traffic or happily driving along before someone comes along getting in the way, cutting...

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Pre-booking: How does it work?

Pay App

Taking the stress out of trip planning and parking just makes life easier, it lets you relax and strip the...

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Best summer city breaks in the UK


The UK is such a fantastic place to travel around, from stunning countryside and coastline to gorgeous historical cities and...

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Top 10 Car Organising Tips


Despite your best efforts it doesn’t take a lot for the inside of a car to go from pristine to...

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The Evology Summer Giveaway


We know people like to stay busy during the summer holidays, so we’ve giving away tickets to a bunch of...

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The perfect place to stop on a road trip


It might seem counterintuitive to think about a break before you have even set off, but it’s actually a big...

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Top Road Trip Tips


Who doesn’t love hitting the open road? We do, we’re massive fans of a road trip, they’re either a well...

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How to plan your summer staycation


With summer right around the corner millions of us will be looking for things to do, either during the school...

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How easy is pre-booking parking?

Pay App

Whenever you’re planning a trip in the car, one of the first things you should look at when it comes...

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The Best Way to Pack Your Car for Festivals


We probably all know someone who has turned into a camping fanatic during lockdown. Maybe they converted a van with...

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Top 10 Tips for Camping Trips


The weather’s improving and with summer fast approaching loads of us will be thinking about escaping to the countryside on...

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Can you go electric and still #Vanlife?


We probably all know someone who has turned into a camping fanatic during lockdown. Maybe they converted a van with...

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How useful are parking apps?


Banking, Instagram, beating your friends on Wordle, apps are fantastically useful for lots of different things. Where they’re growing in...

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The Secret to Stress-Free Journeys


When it comes to getting from A to B there are a bunch of different factors that can heap unnecessary...

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EV Conversions: What you need to know


Making the switch to EV doesn’t necessarily mean buying a new car. There’s an increasing trend of converting previously internal...

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Will your EV work abroad?


With summer on the horizon lots of people across the UK will be packing up their cars for road trips,...

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Top Checks Before Your MOT


There’s a time of year that many motorists dread, dropping your car off at the garage for its MOT and...

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Easter Road Trip Ideas


The Easter holidays are fast approaching, it’s one of the first times in the year that people really have a...

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What’s the best way to pay for parking?

App Pay

We’ve all been there, standing on a car park looking for a payment kiosk or wondering how much it’s going...

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How to use an Evology charger


Charging your electric vehicle is easy. Every bit of using an Evology charger is simple, but to make sure you...

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6 Reasons to choose Evology Pay


Paying for parking factors into millions of journeys every single day. When you’re travelling anywhere having to pay for parking...

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Why its never been easier to pay for parking

Pay App

Paying for parking is one of those common events that caps off the end of a journey. You’ve arrived at...

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8 Reasons to choose Evology


We’re always looking at how people travel and approach getting from A to B, looking for new ways to make...

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Making the switch to EV


Electric vehicles have exploded in popularity with thousands of motorists choosing to make the switch from traditional fuels to fully...

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Going further than you think – what reduces range?


The range of an EV is important, many cars are rated, or even prized, for the distance they can cover...

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What is ICEing?


Driving an EV is fantastic, but there’s one really annoying problem that currently goes hand in hand with going electric....

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6 Reasons why to choose Evology Charging


Whenever you plan a trip in an electric vehicle it makes sense to plot the route around access to charging....

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Top Tips for Using Your EV in Winter


The colder months change driving conditions for everyone. From dealing with rubbish weather and driving more at night, to the...

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The Evology Guide To: Commuting


With an increasing number of people in the UK splitting their time between working from home and the office there’s...

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Emergency Winter Pack For Your Car


With winter in full swing, it’s important to take stock of how prepared you are for changing driving conditions. From...

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Surviving a winter road trip with your kids


From Christmas shopping trips to visiting relatives over the festive season, millions of people will be going on road trips...

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Everything you wanted to know about EV charging

Charging App

While the number of electric vehicles on the road is rising, there are still questions around EV charging that need...

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Is recharging cheaper than petrol?


With the fuel crisis, soaring energy bills and the cost of living at the forefront of the news, you might...

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How do you plan a trip in an electric car?


Whether it’s going away during the half-term holidays, a weekend trip, or simply visiting somewhere for the day, no trip...

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What to do while your car recharges


When planning a journey in an electric car, you need to consider the sites where you may need to stop...

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Is Range Anxiety Really a Problem?


One worry you may have about making the switch to an electric car is recharging. When it comes to recharging,...

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Making more of your charging stations


Chargers are rapidly moving from a ‘nice to have’ to an essential part of your parking infrastructure, but they can...

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Getting ready for the future of motoring


It’s no secret that the world is changing, with huge steps being taken to transform how people interact with the...

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What do you need to know about EV parking?


Electric vehicles, or EVs, are an increasingly common sight on the roads. Every car manufacturer seemingly provides an electric version...

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